Welcome to our Parents Corner!

Thank you for being part of the Early Years Community!
Inclement Weather
Below you will find information and resources in case of inclement weather in Arlington County.
Early Years Preschool Weather Policy
Arlington County School Closings
Early Drop Off and Drop Ins
Early Drop Off is available for Blue Jays, Penguins and Parrots. It is available from 9:00am to 9:30am.
Early Drop Off walk-ins may be available. Please call the morning of to check availability. Fee is $15 per walk-in.
Early Drop Off Monthly Tuition Fees:
1 day/week = $45/month
2 days/week = $90/month
3 days/week = $135/month
4 days/week = $180/month
5 days/week = $225/month
Drop In Child care
Early Years Preschool provides drop-in childcare for currently enrolled families. This service is available on a first-come, first-served basis, depending on space in the class. The fee for drop-in childcare is $75 per day.